IDEA Initiative
IDEA Initiative
The IDEA initiative (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) was set up by SMBE to promote and support diversity (along all axes), both within our society and the wider scientific community. More information on the IDEA initiative can be found here:
In this conference, we are organizing a session that will focus on the activities and approaches of those within the molecular biology and evolution community to address issues related to IDEA. We will be hearing from similar initiatives from other related societies. SMBE has also dedicated a budget of $25k per year to support initiatives that help reduce inequities in molecular biology and evolution research. We will also be hearing from the current recipients of this award about their projects to help promote inclusivity and diversity within our society. Our 2023 call for proposals is now open, and we would like to invite attendees to talk about their ideas for potential projects.
Additionally, the IDEA committee is currently gathering information (in the form of a survey), to better understand the demography and diversity (along all axes) present within the members of SMBE. This information will allow the society to better understand and serve its members and ensure that the initiatives and awards that the society offers are equitable and accessible to all of the individuals who make up our society. We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the survey available here. All responses are anonymous, and will help the society better serve the community they represent. Please do feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.